Sunday, May 17, 2020

Serial Killers Nurture Or Nature - 3202 Words

Serial Killers: Nurture or Nature Jessica L. Northey Eastern Wyoming College Abstract Serial killer, psychopath’s and murders, what makes them tick? Is it a mental disorder or are they a victim of their own circumstance? Is it a nurture or nature approach? Are we shaping these people with a corrupt and judgmental society? Can we change the outcome of someone becoming a cold and calculating murderer? The only way to know is to look at the blueprints of a serial killer and analyze the details and possibilities. This is the age of technology so there are a lot of developments in the study of the psychopathic brain. Researchers have been looking into the criminal mind, studying it and trying to find out what makes it tick? There is a huge debate in the scientific community on whether they can narrow a serial killer down to dysfunction in the brain or a specific gene that could possibly be inherited, or does it all comes down to simply being a victim of a bad situation? Science has a lot of good evidence to support its different ideas on what makes a person a serial killer. However, there are millions of variables that have to be taken into account. More to the point can we actually pinpoint with science out of thousands of variable studies whether a psychopath is born or are they made? Serial Killers: Nurture or Nature The human brain is an amazing device. It controls everything we do. It controls our bodies, how we communicate, how we function. Our brains ourShow MoreRelatedSerial Killers : Nature Vs. Nurture Essay1993 Words   |  8 PagesSerial Killers: Nature vs. Nurture Crime over the years has become a very popular subject. There are countless movies, shows, books and documentaries about such events. Individuals are very entertained for one reason or another by these types of shows. 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